Ready to develop your online course? Instructional Designers help you plan, build, and teach an effective online course.
What to expect
Whether you are designing a brand new online course or looking for ways to improve an existing course, an Instructional Designer will meet with you to learn about your specific course design goals and needs. You will partner together to meet those goals and to build an effective online course. Some key components of our course design process include:

What NOT to expect
Instructional design services are focused on learner engagement and online pedagogy. As needs for additional support services develop throughout the course design process, we will refer you back to an appropriate resource.
- ICON Training (See ITS training opportunities)
- Content Authoring (including creation of PowerPoint slides, learning activities, and/or population of test banks)
- Identification of course materials (ie. readings)
- Setting course work submission due dates
- Full development of ICON course sites
- Office support (ie. photocopying, etc.)
- Recording course lectures (See Media Development)
- Student grading
How to prepare
- Ensure you are comfortable using ICON, specifically how to create and edit content. (ICON training available through ITS)
- Gather any pre-existing course materials (syllabus, lectures, readings, etc.) so they can easily be shared with us.
- Review the online course development process and key elements.
- Tempt yourself to dream big and challenge you and your instructional designer to meet those ideas.
- Submit a request to begin to work with an instructional designer.
Work with DOE
Request our instructional design services. Faculty teaching online courses can request full course design and development services or targeted assistance and support.