Teaching Resources
DIY Tools and Guides
Just in time tips for the instructor on the go. Review our practical resources and tools to help you make the most of your online teaching and learning experience.
New to Teaching at Iowa?
Find information and tips to get you started if you are new to the University of Iowa.
How Do I Set Up ICON for a New Semester?
Tutorial and checklist for setting up your ICON site for a new semester.
What Can I Do to Improve my Online Course Site?
Best practices and tips to enhance your ICON course navigation, structure and layout.
More Guides and Resources
Helpful guides and online resources for effective online teaching.
Using Zoom
Tools and tutorials for using Zoom for online class meetings and more.
UICapture (Panopto) Tutorials
Quick links to UICapture (Panopto) tutorials for creating and sharing videos with students.
Canvas Community
Canvas is the learning management system (LMS) that powers ICON. Visit Canvas Community to search the Canvas Guides, read about the latest updates, engage in the community groups and more.
Copyrighted Materials Guide
Best practices and tips for using copyrighted materials in online courses.
IT Accessibility Resources and Training
Do you have questions about accessibility in your online course? ITS provides accessibility resources for Iowa faculty and instructors.
Teaching Online Preparation (TOP)
Find resources and tips helpful for online instructors at any level.