
In Person and Virtual Proctoring Services

DOE Exam Services will assist you in the development and delivery of proctored online exams for your section. We facilitate an efficient and secure exam process for you and your students.

Basic exam support includes

  • access to Iowa City test centers and live proctors.
  • in-person proctoring for an individual student or small group of students.
  • in-person proctoring for a student with accommodations.  
  • in-person proctoring for a student with make-up exam.
  • in-person proctoring for a single exam.
  • available for all University of Iowa sections.

Get started with basic exam support

Full exam support includes

  • access to Iowa City test centers and live proctors.  
  • access to the virtual proctoring platform, Honorlock.  
  • assistance with ICON exam build and security settings.   
  • assistance with exam accommodations, including re-formatting online exams.   
  • technical support for faculty and students before, during and after the exam.   
  • exam integrity review of recorded exam sessions. 
  • proctoring for an entire section.
  • available for sections with an online delivery mode only.

Get started with full exam support

Explore Exam Support

Proctored online exams may benefit your section.

Proctored Exams Portal

Request exam support for a single student or an entire section.

North Campus Test Center

Face-to-face proctoring services available for your students.

Honorlock for instructors

Allow your students to take proctored online exams from home.

Proctored Exam Integrity

Find strategies and sample messages to use when exams are flagged for potential student misconduct.

Exam Accommodations

Proctoring services for students with extended time exams, reduced distraction exams, and more. 

Help is within reach.

Visit the Learn More links above and find solutions to technical issues your students may have in the Proctored Exams Portal and Honorlock.

Looking for information to share with your students? Visit our student website at https://distance.uiowa.edu/exams