Work with your department to get approval to offer your course online, then reach out to us at Distance and Online Education. We can help you plan, build and teach an inclusive, engaging online course.
Course Development Process
Propose your idea to your department
Meet with your DEO and ensure you have departmental support to offer your course online.
Contact us
Contact Distance and Online Education to get started developing your online course.
Online course administration
Department MAUI administrators will need to fill out a course approval form in MAUI for new, not yet university-approved courses. For existing courses, your department MAUI administrator will enter the online section in the MAUI course planner.
Meet with Distance and Online Education
Meet with a DOE instructional designer and course coordinator to discuss your goals and begin developing your online course.
Partner with DOE to design your online course
Meet with DOE staff on a weekly or monthly basis for support and guidance as you develop your online course.
Receive ongoing support
Your DOE course coordinator will provide ongoing support as you teach online. You can always discuss changes to your course for future offerings with an instructional designer.
Work with DOE
Faculty teaching online courses can request full course design and development services or targeted assistance and support.