Online Course Essentials
Orient students to the course material, expectations, and structure. Provide context for learning and intentionally cultivate a respectful course community.
Online Course Essentials
While every course is unique, we recommend all online courses integrate the course design and instruction components listed on this page. Backed by extensive research, these practices align with Quality Matters standards for online and hybrid instruction. Widely considered the gold standard for assessing quality instructional practice, Quality Matters (QM) Essential Standards reflect minimum expectations for a successful online course.
Exemplar Course Design
Online Course Design
- Course home page to welcomes learners and introduces the course's purpose and structure using a written message or video.
- Getting started module with instructor contact information and practical steps for beginning, customized to fit the unique needs of the course.
- Module descriptions to clarify the module and its structure. Include weekly overviews with narrative content to engage students and provide context.
- Learning objectives that are measurable and written from the learner's perspective.
- Task checklist to guide students through module activities. Include metacognitive strategies that facilitate student planning, monitoring, and evaluation.
- Course content and materials follow accessibility and fair use guidelines and are present in each module.
Exemplar Online Instruction
Online Course Instruction
- Assignments and assessments contain clear, comprehensive instructions. Rubrics are provided for graded activities, to ensure transparency and consistency.
- Course and module learning objectives are aligned with learning activities and assessments.
- Learning activities provide opportunities for student interaction and real-world, applied learning.
- Lower-stakes assignments enable students to receive regular feedback from the instructor on their progress.
- Weekly modules include external media, lecture recordings, or live class meetings. Pre-recorded lectures and media are chunked or enhanced with interactive elements to support student engagement and learning.
Download the Online Course Essentials Checklist
Identify online course strengths and opportunities for growth.
Can I see some examples?
Interested in learning more about online courses in ICON?
The Online Course Sample Site for Instructors serves as both a sample online course and a guide and is a great place to start! Layered into the content of this course you will find additional research, tools, and information to help you make the most of the online learning environment.
Did you know?
Strategies listed on this page align with Quality Matters (QM) Essential Standards for online and hybrid instruction.
IOWA courses do not undergo official QM review, a worthwhile, but time-consuming process. However, strategies and resources promoted by Distance and Online Education do align with Quality Matters standards, widely considered the gold standard for assessing quality instructional practice in online courses.