Setup Your ICON Course Site for a New Semester Using Existing Content
Will your online course use existing content in the upcoming semester? Find tutorials and guides for importing content into your new course to get it ready for a new semester.
ICON Setup for a New Semester
Tutorial Video
0:12 Canvas Guides
0:33 Import Existing Content
2:29 Modify Course Navigation
3:15 Edit Individual Assignment Due Dates
3:39 Bulk Edit Assignment Dates
4:25 Update Modules
5:04 Edit Content with the Rich Content Editor
6:19 Add an UlCapture Video to a Page
7:35 Restore Deleted Items
Tip: Click on ↗ symbol to watch with full Table of Content
ICON Updates - Fall 2024
Recent ICON updates include a new slide-out style "Assign To” tray and significant changes to the Discussions and Announcements interface.
ICON Site Publishing Checklist
ICON Setup Quick-Reference Guide
Combine Multiple Sections
If your course has several sections that use the same content, you can combine them into one site using the Course Combiner via the MAUI in ICON tool in your ICON site.
Import Course Content
Be sure to start from the new (blank) ICON site when importing content. During import process, save time by using the Adjust Event and Due Dates option to move due dates forward automatically (based on old and new session start/end dates).
Update Syllabus
Upload new course syllabus and update links to the new syllabus in Modules and any other areas (e.g. Homepage or Syllabus section). Be sure to check document header/footer for old semester reference.
Remove any old/outdated announcements copied from previous course. Tip: you can schedule posting start and end date in the announcement's settings. (See this page for more info.)
Homepage (Includes Video)
Review info on course homepage and update instructions or details if needed. Be sure to check all imported links or thumbnails on the page to make sure they are still valid.
Did you record a new intro/welcome video in UICapture? See tutorial video below on how to replace it on your ICON homepage.
Update Dates
1) Update due dates and/or availability dates in all Assignment items, including no submission (external) assignments or file upload assignments, discussions, and quizzes. You can batch edit assignment dates using the Edit Assignment Dates tool. (See also What is the difference between assignment due dates and availability dates?)
Tip: unpublish anything that is not yet ready for students to access until updates have been made (e.g. proctored online exams).
2) Check and update any outdated semester/date reference (including Spring Break vs. Thanksgiving) in Modules or assignment description.
3) You can use the Syllabus tool in ICON to quickly see all assignment due dates at a glance. This tool can be accessed via the course navigation without being activated for students.
Unpinned topics are organized by due dates. Pin first discussion topic(s) if you wish. Be sure to check availability start/end dates and modify as needed.
Setup Groups for Group Assignments/Discussions (Includes Video)
Groups sets do not copy from course to course so you must re-create the groups and link them to the respective assignment/discussion topics .
IMPORTANT: if you re-created the groups before add/drop period has ended, be sure to check for students who added late who are have not been assigned to a group during the add/drop window. ICON does not do that automatically.
Proctored Exams
- If your online course has proctored exams administered by DOE Exam Services, please provide exam details via the Proctored Exams Portal in ICON. See Exams and Proctoring for directions.
- Please unpublish any (proctored) online exams copied into the new site. Exam Services will check and update each exam before publishing them.
Files/Pages - Clean Up and Organize
Check Files and Pages area for old/outdated files and pages that are no longer used in the course and delete them. Pages not used should be unpublished. Consider organizing files into folders (make a folder call "Syllabus" to keep all versions of syllabus files) so they are easier to locate when updating.
Student View and Final Steps
1) Use Student View to walk through the course and make sure students can access everything they need (See this page for more info.)
2) Review items on the Setup Checklist, then publish course for students to access. (See ICON Site Publishing Checklist for more info.)
3) Send students a welcome note when course site is open. (See this page for more information about "Conversations", Canvas' communication tool.) Note: you can also send email to students before the course site is published using MAUI's email tool on the Class List page, which can be accessed via MAUI in ICON found in the Course Navigation.
Update UICapture Links
Update UICapture Links in ICON
Links in ICON to UICapture recordings created before June 2019 must be updated to the cloud server addresses.
Canvas for Instructors
Canvas for Instructors
Canvas is the learning management system (LMS) that powers ICON.
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