Course Design
Prepare to teach online
Developing an online course is different from preparing to teach a face-to-face course. We work with you to determine the scope of your needs, providing full course design and development services or targeted assistance and support.
Online Course Development Process
Do you have DEO approval to offer your online course? Contact Distance and Online Education to begin developing your online course. Our Instructional Designers and Media team work with you to prepare your course and the Course Administration and Exam teams provide ongoing support as you teach the course.
Intellectual Property in Online Courses
The development of online course materials by University faculty presents some unusual questions for both the creators of those courses, departmental executive officers and university administrators. Discuss with your DEO how compensation for the development of materials and resources may affect rights to course materials.
Working with a Course Coordinator
Course coordinators are here to assist faculty and department administrators with course–related issues for Distance and Online Education courses. Coordinators serve as your main point of contact during course delivery.
Working with an Instructional Designer
If you are designing a brand new online course or interested in revising teaching and learning strategies for an existing online course, partner with an Instructional Designer to design and develop an effective and engaging online course.
Best Practices in Online Instruction
Create an engaging course focused on student learning