Developing student-centered online courses takes time. Kick-start your online course design with a cohort of your peers and intentional faculty development.
Design4Online Program
- Create student-centered online learning environments.
- Design engaging course materials and media.
- Explore strategies to build instructor presence.
- Align courses with national quality assurance standards for online learning.
- Engage in conversations that shape online teaching and learning practices at IOWA.
Empowered to Plan, Build, and Teach Online
Contact us to learn more about faculty development programming available for your online program or department.
- Learn – Tackle online teaching and learning strategies and challenges during synchronous meetings; build understanding through ICON lessons and assignments.
- Application – Meet 1-1 with an instructional designer to accomplish your course development goals.
Community – Engage in a collaborative community of your peers; build thought-leadership in online teaching and learning.
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