TeachOnline Newsletter
Monday, August 19, 2024

Start the semester off by showing students you are actively engaged in their success. Personalize elements like the home page, welcome video, and getting started module in your ICON course. 

Personalize Your ICON Home Page

1. Share a course welcome and instructor introduction

Build engagement by introducing students to you and your course. Consider using a course introduction video to introduce yourself, provide students an overview of what the course is all about, and communicate its value to them. Help students become familiar with the course, the steps to begin, and how to contact you.

2. Provide quick access to what matters most

Design an accessible homepage that facilitates access to areas students will use most frequently in your course. Increase student motivation by clearly laying out tasks and clarifying how to get started at the beginning of the semester. 

A custom course home page provides the opportunity to establish your presence as the course instructor and increase student engagement and motivation. Whatever your teaching persona or style, use a home page to infuse instructor presence right from the start. 


Customize Your Getting Started Materials


1. Be an accessible instructor

Introduce yourself to your students to establish a comfortable learning environment that encourages collaboration between you and your students. Create a custom page in your getting started materials to share personal or professional details about yourself. Include contact details and preferences and encourage students to reach out! 

2. Make a plan for students to get to know one another

Research has shown that a major obstacle in online learning comes from a lack of social interaction. Consider engaging students right away with an icebreaker discussion or informal activity to help them get acquainted with peers.    

3. Detail technical requirements and pre-course tasks

Consider what's unique about your course and make sure students know exactly what they need to be successful. Include a technical requirements page in your getting started materials with customized details on special software, hardware, etc. needed to complete course tasks. Create a course tour video and customize a list of pre-course tasks to scaffold learning and build stronger student understanding and independence. You may also consider implementing a course expectations quiz to ensure students understand key course requirements.

A getting started module enhances your instructor presence and reduces student cognitive load by scaffolding pre-course tasks. Engaging in these activities builds rapport and sets students up for success.  Personalize this module to reflect your teaching style, making it a cornerstone of your course’s community. 


More OpportUnities to Customize 

Resource: Instructor Sample Site 

Just as the name implies, the instructor sample site is an example ICON course that demonstrates best practices in-context.  Look at a sample home page, module, or assignment then click on the "Quick Guide" link for an explanation of its purpose and design. Leverage these resources to save time on your own course design and enhance the learning experience for your students.

Resource: Teaching Online Preparation Course 

Packed with examples, best practices, and practical tips, this is a great resource for instructors new to IOWA or new to online teaching. Explore specific topics that interest you most or complete all five modules, to gain valuable insights into using ICON, customizing your course, and engaging online students. The time you invest will pay off with more streamlined course management and improved student engagement.

Ready to find even more ways to customize your online course? Review the self-guided resources listed above or contact us for additional support.