Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The importance of rubrics in online learning is clear: they clarify your expectations and provide transparency for assignments such as reflection papers, asynchronous discussions, and group projects. The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) provides nationally recognized VALUE Rubrics that serve as a robust foundation for assessing learning outcomes. While using an “out of the box” generic rubric is a helpful starting point, the true benefit comes when you tailor it to fit your specific needs. 

"My students come from strong STEM backgrounds and often aren't asked to engage in this type of introspection." Kelli said. “It's a whole new skillset. What I've realized is some of them need more scaffolding than ‘go forth and reflect.’”

Tailored for Clarity 

Kelli Saginak teaches Cultural Competency and Health, which focuses on a self-reflective approach to how one's assumptions can impact decisions and behaviors as a health care provider. "My students come from strong STEM backgrounds and often aren't asked to engage in this type of introspection." Kelli said. “It's a whole new skillset. What I've realized is some of them need more scaffolding than ‘go forth and reflect.’”

Enter the customized rubric. By tailoring the description of each section to the specifics of the assignment, Kelli found fewer questions arose and students expressed more satisfaction about knowing what was expected of them. 


3 Steps: Customize a Rubric

1. Start with the Right Template

For this example, we will use the Critical Thinking VALUE Rubric, which evaluates learner ability to comprehensively explore issues before forming opinions or conclusions.  


2. Adjust the Rubric Categories

Does this assignment require a 1-4 scale, or does that add unnecessary complexity?  Do each of the default criterion apply to your assignment? Consider your evaluation criteria and adjust accordingly. See what combining rubric milestones and adjusting criteria looks like on the AACU rubric.

View Adjusted Rubric


3. Tailor the Language to your Assignment

Can the rubric dimensions reflect one of your learning objectives, with just a few tweaks? This typically means adding assignment-specific detail to the criterion language for each section and tailoring word choice to the assignment type.  Consider using language from your course and module learning objectives to create consistency across your course materials. See AACU example for where to add details and further customize your rubric.

View Tailored Language


By leveraging existing resources like the AAC&U VALUE rubrics as a starting point, you can ensure your assessments are aligned with nationally recognized standards, as well as providing your students with clear expectations and measures of success. 

Talk with us to customize your rubrics, take the guesswork out of assignments, and make grading easier for you! 


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