Refers to the various types of proctoring students can have while testing.
Get ready for proctored exams
Proctored exams in online or hybrid courses can be completed in more than one setting depending on the exam medium (online or paper) and your preference. In order to choose an Exam Delivery Method, you should have a basic understanding of what proctoring at a campus test center versus virtual proctoring means for your students.
Campus test centers provide live proctoring for your students. Scheduling exam appointments in advance is required. Your students will use the Proctored Exams Portal in your section’s ICON site to schedule exam appointments. Students can take both paper and online exams at any campus test center.
Based on the type of course you teach, your students may also be eligible to use the virtual proctor. Virtual proctoring is on-demand remote proctoring for your students. The Google Chrome extension, Honorlock, uses AI to proctor. Students can take exams from home and do not need to schedule in the Proctored Exams Portal.
Now that you are familiar with what is possible at the campus test centers and with the virtual proctor, you are ready to decide which exam delivery method will work best for your course. Click on each Exam Delivery Method below to learn more.
Iowa City Test Center Only
- Exam Audience = Individual
- Exam Medium = ICON, Paper, Other Online
Available for:
- in-person courses
- online courses
- hybrid courses
Allows a student to schedule an appointment at one of the on-campus test centers (e.g. North Campus test center, SDS test center, etc.). Typically used for students taking in-person courses who wish to use exam accommodations or who need to take a make-up exam.
Paper exams:
Start by submitting a proctored exam request. Proctored exam requests include all exam details, exam file, and the assigned student(s). Proctored exam requests can be submitted without the exam file, but instructors must submit the exam file before the exam window begins.
By default, completed paper exams are scanned at the test center and digitally uploaded to the Proctored Exams Portal. To retrieve a scanned copy of a completed paper exam, click on the blue Manage button and select Scheduled Students. Click on the "View" link in the Uploaded File column and a PDF of the completed exam will open in a new window. For security reasons, completed exams cannot be sent via campus mail. If you plan to stop by the test center and pick up the hard copy of the completed exam, please indicate that in your proctored exam request.
Online exams:
Start by submitting a proctored exam request. Proctored exam requests include all exam details, exam source, and the assigned student(s). Students taking online proctored exams at the test center will use Respondus Lockdown browser as the preferred method to secure the computer during the exam. Students will still be monitored by the proctors at the test center via camera. If you do not want your students to use Respondus Lockdown Browser, please make sure to add a note to your proctored exam request.
Online exams can be completed within ICON or within another online tool. Be sure to provide the link and/or directions to get to an online tool other than ICON. This will allow the test centers proctors to assist students if they experience technical difficulties. It is also important to provide the password. Typically, passwords are not shared with the student. Instead, the proctor will enter the password after seating the student.
Once exams have a status of Schedule Ready in the Proctored Exams Portal, your students can begin scheduling their exam appointments, reviewing the exam details, and checking on any SDS accommodations.
Iowa City Test Center or Virtual Proctor
- Exam Audience = All students
- Exam Medium = ICON
Available for:
- online courses
- hybrid courses
This exam delivery method allows your students a choice of where they will take the exam. Students can choose to test at either an on-campus test center or with the virtual proctor. This exam delivery method applies to all students in an online or hybrid course.
Paper exams:
Not available for this delivery method.
Online exams:
Start by submitting a proctored exam request for each exam that the class will take. Proctored exam requests include all exam details, including the exam window, and information about the exam source. At minimum, proctored exam requests should be submitted three weeks before the exam window begins. This will allow for clarification of any exam details and for staff to complete the exam build in ICON.
Students who choose to take their online proctored exams at the test center will use Respondus Lockdown browser to secure the computer during the exam. Students will still be monitored by the proctors at the test center via camera.
Students who choose to take their online proctored exams with the virtual proctor, Honorlock, will need to use Google Chrome to download the Honorlock extension for Chrome. Students will also need a working webcam, microphone, ID, and a stable internet connection. When students are ready to complete an exam, they should log into ICON, go to their course, and click on the exam. Clicking "Launch Proctoring" will begin the Honorlock authentication process, where the student will take a picture of themselves and show their ID. During the authentication steps, the student will be prompted to complete a room scan. It should be a 360-degree scan, using the computer or webcam, to confirm the integrity of the testing environment. Honorlock will be recording the exam session through the student's webcam, microphone, and by recording the screen.
Both Honorlock and a Practice exam for Honorlock will be added to your ICON site. The Practice exam is able to check the student's computer for compatibility with Honorlock. Encourage students to complete the Practice exam before taking a graded exam. If students experience a problem during the exam, refer them to Honorlock's live chat and/or the FAQ section on our webpage, Honorlock for students.
Because your students can choose whether to complete online exams at the Iowa City Test Center or with Honorlock, there will be two versions of each exam in the Quizzes page of ICON. Any exams completed at the test center are secured with Respondus Lockdown Browser. Any exams completed elsewhere are monitored by Honorlock. The software powering Honorlock and Respondus Lockdown Browser are not compatible, hence the need for two versions of the exam. Your gradebook will be configured so that only one version of the exam will count towards the student's grade.
Once exams have a status of Schedule Ready in the Proctored Exams Portal, your students can begin scheduling their exam appointments, reviewing the exam details, and checking on any SDS accommodations.
Our staff will review Honorlock exam recordings and provide you with a report, unless you inform us that you wish to opt out of this service. You will be contacted shortly before the exam start date about this review.
Iowa City Test Center or Virtual Proctor by Permission
- Exam Audience = All students
- Exam Medium = ICON
Available for:
- online courses
- hybrid courses
This exam delivery method requires that your students test at an on-campus test center unless they have your permission to test remotely with the virtual proctor. This exam delivery method applies to all students in an online or hybrid course.
Paper exams:
Not available for this delivery method.
Online exams:
Start by submitting a proctored exam request for each exam that the class will take. Proctored exam requests include all exam details, including the exam window, and information about the exam source. At minimum, proctored exam requests should be submitted three weeks before the exam window begins. This will allow for clarification of any exam details and for staff to complete the exam build in ICON.
Students who choose to take their online proctored exams at the test center will use Respondus Lockdown browser to secure the computer during the exam. Students will still be monitored by the proctors at the test center via camera.
Students who choose to take their online proctored exams with the virtual proctor, Honorlock, will need to use Google Chrome to download the Honorlock extension for Chrome. Students will also need a working webcam, microphone, ID, and a stable internet connection. When students are ready to complete an exam, they should log into ICON, go to their course, and click on the exam. Clicking "Launch Proctoring" will begin the Honorlock authentication process, where the student will take a picture of themselves and show their ID. During the authentication steps, the student will be prompted to complete a room scan. It should be a 360-degree scan, using the computer or webcam, to confirm the integrity of the testing environment. Honorlock will be recording the exam session through the student's webcam, microphone, and by recording the screen.
Both Honorlock and a Practice exam for Honorlock will be added to your ICON site. The Practice exam is able to check the student's computer for compatibility with Honorlock. Encourage students to complete the Practice exam before taking a graded exam. If students experience a problem during the exam, refer them to Honorlock's live chat and/or the FAQ section on our webpage, Honorlock for students.
Because your students can choose whether to complete online exams at the Iowa City Test Center or with Honorlock, there will be two versions of each exam in the Quizzes page of ICON. Any exams completed at the test center are secured with Respondus Lockdown Browser. Any exams completed elsewhere are monitored by Honorlock. The software powering Honorlock and Respondus Lockdown Browser are not compatible, hence the need for two versions of the exam. Your gradebook will be configured so that only one version of the exam will count towards the student's grade.
Once exams have a status of Schedule Ready in the Proctored Exams Portal, your students can begin scheduling their exam appointments, reviewing the exam details, and checking on any SDS accommodations.
Our staff will review Honorlock exam recordings and provide you with a report, unless you inform us that you wish to opt out of this service. You will be contacted shortly before the exam start date about this review.
Virtual Proctor Only
- Exam Audience = All students
- Exam Medium = ICON
Available for:
- online courses
- hybrid courses
This exam delivery method requires that your students test remotely using the virtual proctoring platform, Honorlock. Students will not schedule exams at a test center. This exam delivery method applies to all students in an online or hybrid course.
Paper exams:
Not available for this delivery method.
Online exams:
Start by submitting a proctored exam request for each exam that the class will take. Proctored exam requests include all exam details, including the exam window, and information about the exam source. At minimum, proctored exam requests should be submitted three weeks before the exam window begins. This will allow for clarification of any exam details and for staff to complete the exam build in ICON.
Students will take their online proctored exams with the virtual proctor, Honorlock. They will need to use Google Chrome to download the Honorlock extension for Chrome. Students will also need a working webcam, microphone, ID, and a stable internet connection.
Students do not need to schedule an exam appointment at a test center to complete the exam. The exam will be proctored virtually by AI. When students are ready to complete an exam, they should log into ICON, go to their course, and click on the exam. Clicking "Launch Proctoring" will begin the Honorlock authentication process, which includes taking a picture of themselves, showing their ID, and completing a room scan. It should be a 360-degree scan, using the computer or webcam, to confirm the integrity of the testing environment. Honorlock will be recording the exam session through the student's webcam, microphone, and by recording the screen. The results of the proctoring session will be available in ICON following exam submission. Those results will be reviewed by Exam Services and any potential misconduct will be reported to you.
Both Honorlock and a Practice exam for Honorlock will be added to your ICON site. The Practice exam is able to check the student's computer for compatibility with Honorlock. Encourage students to complete the Practice exam before taking a graded exam. If students experience a problem during the exam, refer them to Honorlock's live chat and/or the FAQ section on our webpage, Honorlock for students.
Because your students are required to use the virtual proctor, you may have students who have problems with the platform. If the troubleshooting steps provided on the website do not fix the student's problem, it is possible for the student to schedule a time at the test center to take the exam with the virtual proctor. The student needs instructor permission to do so. Contact Exam Services for more details.
Once exams have a status of Schedule Ready in the Proctored Exams Portal, your students can begin reviewing the exam details and checking on any SDS accommodations. Your students will not need to schedule their exams in the portal.
Our staff will review Honorlock exam recordings and provide you with a report, unless you inform us that you wish to opt out of this service. You will be contacted shortly before the exam start date about this review.
Iowa City Test Center or Off-Campus Proctor
- Exam Audience = All students
- Exam Medium = Paper
Available for:
- online courses
- hybrid courses
This exam delivery method allows your students a choice of where they will take the exam. Students can choose to take the paper exam either an on-campus test center or an off-campus test center. Students must locate the alternate proctoring location themselves and then, have the proctor verified through Exam Services. Once approved, paper exams will be made available to the alternate proctor. Typically, this option is used for courses where the majority of students are not in Iowa. This happens frequently during the Summer or Winter semesters. This exam delivery method applies to all students in an online or hybrid course.
Paper exams:
Start by submitting a proctored exam request for each exam that the class will take. Proctored exam requests include all exam details, including the exam window, and information about the exam source. At minimum, proctored exam requests should be submitted three weeks before the exam window begins. This will allow for clarification of any exam details and for staff to complete the exam build in ICON.
Students who choose to take their paper exams at an on-campus test center will make an appointment in the Proctored Exams Portal for each exam. Students will be monitored by the proctors at the test center via camera.
Students who choose to take their paper exams with an off-campus test center will need to find a proctoring location. Exam Services does not keep a list of available proctoring locations. Once a location is identified, the student will need to reach out to the staff at the location to inquire about exam proctoring. Some locations will charge proctoring fees or may have proctoring limitations. Students will submit information about their alternate proctor to Exam Services. Once the proctor is approved, the student will be notified and the exam will be provided to the proctor. Students are encourage to complete the process early given the possibility of a proctor not being approved. Students testing off-campus will not need to schedule anything within the Proctored Exams Portal.
Online exams:
Not available for this delivery method.
Once exams have a status of Schedule Ready in the Proctored Exams Portal, your students can begin scheduling their exam appointments, reviewing the exam details, and checking on any SDS accommodations. Once the semester begins, students can begin looking for alternate proctoring arrangements as needed.
Completed paper exams will be uploaded to the Proctored Exams Portal under each student's name. Please note that there may be a processing delay when receiving an exam from an alternate proctoring location. For more information, visit the student page about off-campus testing here.