Add a new proctored exam request for an individual student.

What you need to know

If your student has a conflict with an exam, for any reason, they should contact you first to discuss possible makeup exam options. Per Office of the Registrar policy, students are permitted to make up exams missed as a result of illness, mandatory religious obligations (in accordance with the University's policy on religious holidays) or other unavoidable circumstances like a death in the immediate family, jury duty, or mandatory military obligations. If your student has a conflict with their exam that is not a qualified conflict, you have autonomy to offer a makeup exam, at your discretion, unless your college or department policies prohibit you from doing so.

Under University Final Exam policies, only qualified exam conflicts, as outlined on this page, are guaranteed a makeup final exam. Please keep in mind that Final Exam week is the busiest week of the year at our test center. We recommend allowing your student flexibility in scheduling the exam.

Your student can be approved by you to complete a make-up exam (paper or online) at the Distance and Online Education test center, known as the North Campus test center. To do so, you will need to add a new proctored exam request for the student in the Proctored Exams Portal. Only the student to whom the exam request is assigned will be able to view the request in the portal. Once the exam request is "Schedule Ready", the student can enter the portal, review the available start time(s) at the test center, and select a time. Visit the Proctored Exams Portal User Guide for more details. For your online section, use the instructions in Part 1 below to add a new proctored exam request for make-up exams at the test center. 

If your course uses the virtual proctor, your student can be approved by you to complete a make-up exam online with the virtual proctor, Honorlock. To do so, you will NOT need to add a new proctored exam request for the student in the Proctored Exams Portal. You will need to assign the student to a different exam window in the Quizzes page in ICON. If needed, you will also need to add a second attempt for the student. Once you have saved the changes, the student's online exam will re-open on the assigned date. For your online section, use the instructions in Part 2 below to add a new proctored exam request for make-up exam that uses the virtual proctor. If you would like assistance with a make-up in the virtual proctor, contact

Step-by-step directions: Make-up exam at the test center

  1. Proctored Exams Portal. If the portal is not visible in the left menu bar, add the Proctored Exams Portal to ICON.
  2. Manage. Click the Manage button next to the original proctored exam request for the whole class.
  3. Clone. From the menu that appears, select Clone to make a copy of the original exam request.
  4. Exam Name. Adjust the title of the copied proctored exam request, e.g., add the student’s last name.
  5. Exam Section. Do not change the exam section.
  6. Audience. Change the audience from all students to individual.
  7. Exam Medium. Do not change the exam medium.
  8. Delivery Method. Select "Iowa City Test Center Only" for students to test at an campus test center. Campus test centers include both our North Campus test center and the SDS test center and also include our satellite test center during Finals Week.
  9. Window Start/Window End. Adjust the start/end dates and times as necessary for the make-up exam. Be sure to lengthen the window sufficiently if a student has extended time accommodations.
  10. Duration. Adjust the number of minutes the student needs to finish the exam if necessary. Keep in mind that even though you do not need to add accommodations for extended time in the portal, extended time does need to be added to the exam in the Quizzes page of ICON. Visit this page to learn more:
  11. Exam Source. Do not change the exam source.
  12. Exam File. Do not change the exam file.
  13. Materials Allowed. Update any materials allowed if necessary.
  14. Student Instructions. You can use this field to add information about the exam for the student to review before they schedule. This information will not be available to the student when they arrive at the test center as it is only found in the portal.
  15. View Students. To assign a student to your proctored exam request, click the View Students button. In the pop-up window that appears, click the gold plus (+) to bring up a list of the students in that section. Select the desired student. If you have multiple students allowed to complete the exam within the same exam window, same exam duration, and with the same materials allowed, those students can be added one at a time to the same request. If there are differences in the exam window, exam duration, or materials allowed, please add separate requests for each student. You may also complete this step later.
  16. Save or Submit. After you assign a student to the proctored exam request, press Submit to finish your request. If you would like to wait until later to assign the student, then scroll to the bottom of the window and click on the Save button to save for later.


Step-by-step directions: Make-up exams with the virtual proctor

Assign a different date/time to the student

  1. Open the “Quizzes” tab in ICON and click to open the exam.
  2. Click on “Edit” which is above the exam name.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  4. Under “Assign To”, click on “+ Assign To” button. NOTE: Do not remove any information put in the Assign field previously - there is a risk of removing the exam completely from the gradebook.
  5. In the empty box under “Assign To,” start typing the student’s name. Select the name when it appears in the drop-down menu below (load time can be slow.)
  6. Scroll down a little further to set an “Available from” and “Until” date for the student. Setting a "Due Date" is not necessary.
  7. Scroll to the bottom and press the gold “Save” button.

Allow another attempt at the exam

  1. Open the ICON site.
  2. Open the “Quizzes” tab.
  3. Open the exam. Virtually proctored exams have "Virtual Proctor" in the title.
  4. Click on “Moderate this Quiz.”
  5. Scroll down or search for the student’s name.
  6. Check that the student has an attempt remaining. The “Attempts Left” column should show “1.” If the student has attempted the exam, the “Attempt, Time, and Score” columns will be filled and “Attempts Left” will show “0.”
  7. To add an attempt, click on the pencil icon in the student’s row.
  8. In the box beside “Extra Attempts” type a “1.”
  9. Click on the gold “Save” button.


Picking up the completed paper exams

By default, completed paper exams are scanned at the test center and digitally uploaded to the Proctored Exams Portal. To retrieve a scanned copy of a completed paper exam, click on the blue Manage button and select Scheduled Students. Click on the "View" link in the Uploaded File column and a PDF of the completed exam will open in a new window. For security reasons, completed exams cannot be sent via campus mail. If you plan to stop by the test center and pick up the hard copy of the completed exam, please indicate that in your proctored exam request.